
Our scientific team is composed of researchers in psychology and cognitive science and conducts research work aiming at strengthening, further developing and pushing forward Imagineo’s educational methodology. Through our research activities we create the resources to fuel and assess our activities on the field. We analyze feedback and impact data from the field in order to contribute to the advances in research of the broader scientific community. Knowledge on pedagogical innovation is shared through the activities led by our academy.

  • Monitoring of scientific advances in psychology and education
  • Continuous improvement of our educational model targeting the activation of key skills and their development through the experience of doing
  • Design of new methods in order to enrich Imagineo’s tool box
  • Development of impact measures of our actions on child development and on the local territory using innovative diagnostic tools
  • Alexandra Fort, PhD. in cognitive science
  • Caroline Pigeon, PhD. in neuropsychology
  • Véronique Rizzi, PhD. in psychology


Our team on the field builds the tools developed by the lab into new formats and programmes suiting the needs on the field. We roll out and facilitate pilot workshops on the local territory in collaboration with our partners. These activities are harnessed to provide feedbacks the the lab and to collect impact data. These practical experimentations also nurture the activities of the academy.

  • Develop children’s skill set and make for their active participation in society
  • Set up diverse local partnerships to create touchpoints between local actors and children
  • Put into practice our educational approach to discover children’s views on topics that are relevant to the partner and in accordance with Imagineo’s values
  • Advocate for children’s contributions as a source of inspiration for adults
  • Design of new workshop formats and programmes
  • Implementation and facilitation of workshops
  • Programme management
  • Interaction with local stakeholders


Our training and coaching team disseminates Imagineo’s educational approach based on the work of the lab. We train local stakeholders that are in contact with the youths to enable them to apply the formats and tools on how to use Imagineo’s tools that have passed the testing phase led by the field team.

  • Dissemination of Imagineo’s educational approach and methodology
  • Training on tools and programmes designed by Imagineo
  • Coaching of local stakeholders on how to integrate Imagineo’s tools in their own practice
  • Assistance to local stakeholders while implementing Imagineo’s full programmes and tools on the local territory